Since 1981 Prototype Research & Development Ltd. has been manufacturing a wide range of replica and one of a kind specialty vehicles. These include 1955 Belair Convertible, 1957 Belair Convertible, 1952 MGTD, 1935 Auburn Speedster, 1935 Auburn 4 passenger Phaeton and the 1934 Mercedes 500K Roadster. These products have multiple purposes; from the elite personal transportation, corporate promotions, as well as government lottery prizes. We have 3500 specialty vehicles sold to private individuals, corporations, governments and trust companies worldwide.
Prototype Research is currently marketing and manufacturing its stable of specialty automobiles as a “turn key drive it away” luxury, as well as assembly packages for those who wish to assemble their own dream machine.
Prototype Research is well established in research and development as well as having the capacity to produce the full line of vehicles and specialty products. This enables the company to achieve 90% of its production internally.
Prototype Research also designs, manufactures and supplies specialty products such as reproduction cars, vintage cars, reproduction automobiles, vintage automobiles, collector cars, automobile restoration, concept cars as well as vintage aircraft, fighter aircraft, collectible aircraft, warbirds, jet fighters, amusement park rides, full size aircraft, smaller scaled aircraft and props for movie sets. Our client base for this type of work ranges from Cadillac Fairview, The Forrec Group, West Edmonton Mall, Universal Studios, The Disney Corporation, U.S. Government, Canadian Government, Mac’s Convenience Stores to private and corporate clients. We also supply and rent specialty vehicles and props for the movie industry.
80% of export sales go to the U.S.A. The company products are marketed by Prototype Research and Development Ltd. at their Campbellford plant. We are looking to expand our dealer network.
While Prototype is interested in pursuing and developing sales worldwide: Europe (UK, Germany, France and Switzerland) and the Pacific Rim have been identified as priority markets. The company would also entertain licensing arrangements with overseas companies looking to broaden their product lines.